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zigzag 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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zigzags, plural;
  1. Having the form of a zigzag; veering to right and left alternately
    • - when chased by a predator, some animals take a zigzag course
  1. Have or move along in a zigzag course
    • - the path zigzagged between dry rises in the land
  1. A line or course having abrupt alternate right and left turns
    • - she traced a zigzag on the metal with her finger
  2. A turn on such a course
    • - the road descends in a series of sharp zigzags
  1. So as to move right and left alternately
    • - she drives zigzag across the city

  1. an angular shape characterized by sharp turns in alternating directions
  2. travel along a zigzag path; "The river zigzags through the countryside"
  3. having short sharp turns or angles
  4. A zigzag is a pattern made up of small corners at variable angles, though constant within the zigzag, tracing a path between two parallel lines; it can be described as both jagged and fairly regular. Traditionally a "zig" points in the left direction (/) and a "zag" points right (\). ...
  5. Kyle Andrew Ward (born July 4, 1983), is an American electronic music composer from Vancouver, Washington who produces songs in many different genres, including dance, techno, trance, happy hardcore, and drum and bass. ...
  6. ZigZag is a 1970 film directed by Richard A. Colla and starring George Kennedy. Kennedy plays an insurance executive who finds out he is dying. ...
  7. ZigZag is a 2002 film directed by David S. Goyer. The film was shot in Los Angeles, CA.
  8. ZigZag was Britain's first rock music magazine. It was started by Pete Frame and the first edition rolled off the printing presses on 16 April 1969. ...
  9. ZigZag is Ted Nelson's trademark on a data model he has designed for computer interaction, both for users and between programs. The design is centered around an information structure called a zzstructure and its interactive visualizations. ...
  10. (zig-zags) n [after a brand name of rolling papers] Cigarettes 2001 Fall male Oconee Package Dublin GA Give me a pack of zig-zags.
  11. In a bull market, an Elliott three-wave pattern that subdivides into a 5-3-5 pattern with the top of wave B noticeably lower than the start of wave A. In a bear market, this pattern will be inverted.
  12. pattern formed by a continuous line, which turns sharply back and forth making a series of "V's". i.e. CHEVRON , HERRINGBONE
  13. Stitches that progress in an alternating-angle (zigzag) fashion; typically used for final stitching on appliqué and tackle twill.
  14. The route followed by poets in arriving at the truth, as opposed to the direct course which they take for the buffet.
  15. a brand of rolling papers used to make Marijuana cigarettes
  16. To sail a series of upwind courses: sailing toward 10:30, tacking, sailing toward 1:30, tacking, sailing toward 10:30 . . . .
  17. In Elliott Wave Theory, the name given to a corrective pattern that is a basic three wave move against the larger trend.
  18. With respect to flags, a type of stitch used in appliqué work, characterized by the needle moving between the appliqué and the field in short, sharp angles of alternate directions; often seen around stars.
  19. The up and down movement in the currency pair price after having picked a trend.
  20. A molding or stitching with a series of frequent sharp turns from side to side.
  21. means to move by turning sharply one way and then the other. What’s the word?
  22. A sewing machine stitch that moves back and forth along one axis while moving in one direction on the other.
  23. Trade name for a cornsnake that has a fairly high number of connected saddles along it's back. This pattern trate is commonly found in combination with the Aztec or Aberrant pattern.
  24. An obstacle constructed from timber posts and rails placed at angles from each other to form a zig-zag pattern. It is used in cross country courses, the horse can jump over the point of the V or over the angles sides.
  25. A brand of rolling papers famous for the silhouette of a bearded smoker on the label.