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yuck 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Used to express strong distaste or disgust,
  1. Used to express strong distaste or disgust
    • - “Raw herrings! Yuck!”
  1. Something messy or disgusting
    • - I can't bear the sight of blood and yuck

  1. Disgust is an emotion that is typically associated with things that are regarded as unclean, inedible, infectious,or otherwise offensive. For example, "I am disgusted by the stench and sight of that heap of rotting viscera. ...
  2. something disgusting; the sound made by a laugh; uttered to indicate disgust usually toward an objectionable taste or odour
  3. interj: Used to express rejection or strong disgust.
  4. a word used to describe something that you really don't like--similar to "ick."
  5. (intj.) /  yucky (adj.)