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yowl 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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yowls, plural;
  1. Make such a cry
    • - he yowled as he touched one of the hot plates
  1. A loud wailing cry, esp. one of pain or distress

  1. bellow: a very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal); "his bellow filled the hallway"
  2. howl: cry loudly, as of animals; "The coyotes were howling in the desert"
  3. utter shrieks, as of cats
  4. A prolonged, loud cry, like the sound of an animal; a wail; a howl; Utter a yowl; Express by yowling; utter with a yowl
  5. (yowling) A sound that yowls
  6. (Yowling) This is an escalated version of growling, usually displayed when danger worsens.
  7. This low-pitched wail of dismay is more often heard in disoriented elderly cats than in kittens. But if your kitten gets stuck somewhere, the noise she'll use to convey her sorry state is a yowl. Female cats also yowl when they're in heat.