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A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation,
  1. A Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation

  1. Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility that is achieved through the three paths of actions and knowledge and devotion
  2. a system of exercises practiced as part of the Hindu discipline to promote control of the body and mind
  3. Yoga is a healing system of theory and practice. It is a combination of breathing exercises, physical postures, and meditation that has been practiced for more than 5,000 years.
  4. alternative capitalization of yoga; One of the six schools of Hindu philosophy
  5. (Yogas) from the Sanskrit yuj, “to yoke”. Yogas are traditional physical and mental disciplines originating in India. There are many, and the term covers more than the physical practices which are familiar in the US.
  6. (Yogas) Agni Yoga - Anahata Yoga - Anusara Yoga - Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga - Bikram Yoga - Hatha yoga - Integral yoga - Iyengar Yoga - Kriya yoga - Kundalini yoga - Natya Yoga - Sahaj Marg - Sahaja Yoga - Satyananda Yoga - Sivananda Yoga - Six yogas of Naropa (Tummo) - Surat Shabd Yoga - Viniyoga - ...
  7. state of union between two opposites - body and mind; individual and universal consciousness; a process of uniting the opposing forces in the body and mind in order to achieve supreme awareness and enlightenment.
  8. Union of the lower nature with the higher. Different forms and techniques to gain control of the physical, astral or mental bodies.
  9. From Sanskrit, meaning ‘union’. A system of self-initiated disciplines for expanding the consciousness from the usual human state of consciousness identified with form to the state of conscious identification with the over-Soul or Spiritual Soul. See also: Initiation, Spiritual Soul.
  10. Freedom of the self from its temporary state through methods such as exercise and relaxation.
  11. A term derived from the Sanskrit word "yug" meaning to join together, to yoke or to unite. It is a set of various techniques to unite the mind, body and spirit within the individual and to unite the individual with the Divine, the infinite or the universe.
  12. Ancient art and philosophy that involves both mind and body and is aimed at self-development and self-realization. The physical practice of yoga involves performing postures (asanas) and using controlled breathing and meditation to stretch and tone the body and improve circulation.
  13. Union. 3000 year old Hindu discipline that unites the mind and body, usually through a series of exercises that raise awareness, thus allowing spiritual insight and tranquility.  Many different kinds including Hatha (postures), Kundalini (breath), Bhakti (devotion), and Ashtanga.
  14. A system of exercises for attaining bodily or mental control and well-being. Various forms of yoga include poses (or asanas) for building strength and flexibility, breathing exercises for cleansing, and/or meditation for relaxation and stress reduction.
  15. An ancient Indian practice based upon meditation and exercises to achieve a higher state of being. These exercises are recommended for arthritis patients as they help to improve the flexibility and strength of the joints.
  16. A Hindu method of learning that includes exercises, breathing sequences and meditation. It is designed to aid in enlightenment. The exercise component of Yoga is often practiced in the West as an aid to healthy living.
  17. (Sans.) A school of philosophy founded by Patanjali, but which existed as a distinct teaching and system of life long before that sage. ...
  18. ‘Union’ derived from verb-root ‘yuj’ – to yoke or join. School of philosophy focusing on quieting the fluctuations of the mind through various physical and mental practices and ultimately aiming at the transcendental experience of union with God.
  19. "To join, to yoke oneself to" Not just a system of exercises, yoga means to join oneself to God through mental discipline. It is one of the major spiritual paths.
  20. A system of spiritual development deriving from the teachings of the 2nd century BCE Indian teacher Patangali, incorporating the practice of specific physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation.
  21. [yoga] yokes, bonds. The four cankers, namely, sensuous desire, desire for existence, false views, and ignorance are known as yoga-s as they yoke a human being to rebirth.
  22. is a physical practice of stretching the body in different ways, focusing one's attention, and becoming one with the universe. It uses body, breath and senses to reconnect the practitioner with the universe and move emotions and thoughts into stillness.
  23. is a typically Hindu reference in that it can be made to mean a variety of things. The BK’s play on traditional terms and references to appear typical of Eastern ‘thought’ whilst pushing their extreme ideas. Most westerners think of yoga as a variety of stretching poses. ...
  24. (lit., union) The spiritual practices and disciplines that lead a seeker to evenness of mind, to the severing of the union with pain, and through detachment, to skill in action. Ultimately, the path of yoga leads to the constant experience of the Self.
  25. the unitive discipline by which inner freedom is sought; spiritual practice, as practiced in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism; the spiritual tradition specific to India; the specific school of Patanjali (see ashta-anga-yoga)