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yawl 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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yawls, plural;
  1. A two-masted fore-and-aft-rigged sailboat with the mizzenmast stepped far aft so that the mizzen boom overhangs the stern

  2. A ship's jolly boat with four or six oars

  1. a ship's small boat (usually rowed by 4 or 6 oars)
  2. howl: emit long loud cries; "wail in self-pity"; "howl with sorrow"
  3. a sailing vessel with two masts; a small mizzen is aft of the rudderpost
  4. A yawl (from Dutch Jol) is a two-masted sailing craft similar to a sloop or cutter but with an additional mizzen mast well aft of the main mast, often right on the transom. A small mizzen sail is hoisted on the mizzen mast.
  5. YAWL (Yet Another Workflow Language) is a workflow language based on the Workflow patterns. The language is supported by a software system that includes an execution engine, a graphical editor and a worklist handler. The system is available as an Open source software under the LGPL license.
  6. A small ship's boat, usually rowed by four or six oars; A fore and aft rigged sailing vessel with two masts, main and mizzen, the mizzen stepped abaft the rudder post; To cry out; to howl
  7. A two-masted boat with a small after mast located abaft the steering gear.
  8. A two-masted fore-and-aft rigged vessel with the mizen mast stepped in her counter.
  9. the name is derived from the Dutch 'Jol' and was originally a form of rig as opposed to a type of boat. The rig had a mainmast plus a small mizzen mast set well aft. ...
  10. 2 masted sailing vessel. A cutter with a mast stepped abaft the rudder head
  11. a sailing vessel rigged fore and aft with a large mainmast and a smaller mizzenmast (the third mast on a vessel having three or more masts) toward the stern.
  12. This type has two Masts. Know other variations of Sailboats in our Sailboats - Types section.
  13. a boat with a two-masted rig in which the mizzen, or jigger, is abaft the rudderpost and the helm. The yawl's mizzen is smaller than the ketch's, as well as being placed farther aft.
  14. A sailboat from Texas, with some good bourbon stored down yonder in the cabin.
  15. ship’s small boat; sailboat carrying mainsail and one or more jibs