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yap 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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yapped, past participle; yaps, 3rd person singular present; yapping, present participle; yapped, past tense;
  1. Give a sharp, shrill bark
    • - the dachshunds yapped at his heels
  2. Talk at length in an irritating manner

  1. A sharp, shrill bark

  2. A person's mouth (used in expressions to do with speaking)
    • - shut your yap
  3. Loud, irritating talk
    • - she'll give you a lot of yap

  1. trap: informal terms for the mouth
  2. yelp: bark in a high-pitched tone; "the puppies yelped"
  3. Yap, also known as Wa'ab by locals, is an island in the Caroline Islands of the western Pacific Ocean. It is a state of the Federated States of Micronesia. Yap's indigenous cultures and traditions are still strong compared to other neighboring islands. ...
  4. In human genetics, Haplogroup DE is a human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. It is defined by the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutations, or UEPs, M1(YAP), M145(P205), M203, P144, P153, P165, P167, P183.
  5. The high-pitched bark of a small dog; An informal talk; The mouth, which produces speech; A badly behaved child, a brat; Of a small dog, to bark; To talk, especially excessively
  6. (yapping) A sound that yaps
  7. (Yapped) Refers to the edges of the cover of a book bound in paper or another soft material. These yapped edges are not flush with the pages but extend beyond the edges of the book and are fragile by nature.
  8. stands for Yes-associated protein; a transcriptional coactivator and tumor suppressor; also known as Yorkie in the fruit fly
  9. A Yap consists of 4 selections taking part in different events, which are combined to produce 15 bets comprised of a Fold Accumulator, permed Trebles (4), permed Doubles (6), and a Single for each selection. ...
  10. Verb. To talk incessantly. {Informal}
  11. "Yankee Patent" - The same 11 bets as a "Yankee", but with singles on each of the 4 selections as well, making 15 bets in all (also known as a "Lucky 15").
  12. Known as Lucky 15 (see above Lucky 15)
  13. a stupid, crude or loud person.
  14. Pay back. - Joseph Leff
  15. yeast aspartyl protease
  16. Mouth (Vengeance, 12)