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yammer 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Loud and sustained or repetitive noise,
  1. Make a loud repetitive noise

  2. Talk volubly

  1. Loud and sustained or repetitive noise
    • - the yammer of their animated conversation
    • - the yammer of enemy fire

  1. howl: cry loudly, as of animals; "The coyotes were howling in the desert"
  2. whine: complain whiningly
  3. Yammer is a corporate social network service that was launched in September 2008. Unlike Twitter, which is used for broadcasting messages to the public, Yammer is used for private communication within organizations or between organizational members and pre-designated groups, making it an example ...
  4. The act or noise of yammering; A loud noise; One who yammers; To complain peevishly; To talk loudly and persistently; To repeat on and on, usually loudly or in complaint; To make an outcry; to clamor
  5. The micro blogging giant is expanding into general enterprise social networking but started out working primarily with non-IT business units unhappy with their companies’ internal IT solutions. ...
  6. Yammer is an enterprise social network designed to be sort of an internal version of Twitter aimed at companies. It began as an enterprise microblogging platform but has developed into more a full social network. ...
  7. Yammer is a business communication tool that operates as an internal Twitter-like messaging system for employees within an organization. It is used to provide real-time communication and reduce the need for e-mail.
  8. 1. talk quickly or in an agitated manner. 2. whinge, complain vociferously.
  9. (v) - to talk with a sad tone