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yak 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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yaks, plural;
  1. Talk at length about trivial or boring subjects

  1. A trivial or unduly persistent conversation

  1. noisy talk
  2. talk profusely; "she was yakking away about her grandchildren"
  3. large long-haired wild ox of Tibet often domesticated
  4. The yak, Bos grunniens, is a long-haired bovine found throughout the Himalayan region of south Central Asia, the Tibetan Plateau and as far north as Mongolia and Russia. In addition to a large domestic population, there is a small, vulnerable wild yak population.
  5. Yakubu Ayegbeni (born 22 November 1982 in Benin City), nicknamed The Yak and generally known simply as Yakubu, is a Nigerian footballer who currently plays as a striker for Everton in the Premier League.
  6. An ox-like mammal native to the Himalayas and Tibet with dark, long and silky hair a horse like tail and a full, bushy mane; To talk, particularly informally but persistently, such as chatter; To vomit, usually as a result of excessive alcohol consumption
  7. To see a yak in your dream, represents your uniqueness and dependability.
  8. A long haired wild or domesticated ox of Tibet and adjacent elevated parts of central Asia. Yaks provide three kinds of hair for use in fabric. The coarsest is belly hair, and is used to make tent fabric and cushions for yak-saddles. ...
  9. 12. procl.  nos (incl.); nosotros (incl.); a nosotros (incl.). wan; yawan. us (incl.); to us (incl.); we (incl.). § Âka tukka âka yak bautai. Naha warkka na wan prûkisa. Este trabajo es difícil (para nosotros). This work is hard (for us). § Âyauh yak yawakuti? Yawan âni ra wâisa? ...
  10. slang for gab, chatter, or talk; to idly converse with a friend; also spelled yack
  11. keep these away from your vehicle, as well
  12. Yakima River; picture the Deschutes then take away the steelhead, most of the trout, and halve the number of teeth per angler
  13. Yakuza. Either a clan member or a clan itself.
  14. general conversation, "We have been yaking on the phone for a while"
  15. A text-based, chat application for LANs.
  16. What you do into a pail when you discover your stocks have plunged and your broker is making a margin call.
  17. Talk. ("She sure yak's a lot!")