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wrest 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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wrests, 3rd person singular present; wresting, present participle; wrested, past tense; wrested, past participle;
  1. Forcibly pull (something) from a person's grasp
    • - Leila tried to wrest her arm from his hold
  2. Take (something, esp. power or control) from someone or something else after considerable effort or difficulty
    • - they wanted to allow people to wrest control of their lives from impersonal bureaucracies
  3. Distort the meaning or interpretation of (something) to suit one's own interests or views
    • - you appear convinced of my guilt, and wrest every reply I have made
  1. A key for tuning a harp or piano

  1. obtain by seizing forcibly or violently, also metaphorically; "wrest the knife from his hands"; "wrest a meaning from the old text"; "wrest power from the old government"
  2. To pull or twist violently; To obtain by pulling or violent force; To seize
  3. (wrested) him into the backseat (227): pull, jerk or force with a violent twist