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wrack 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Any of a number of coarse brown seaweeds that grow on the shoreline, frequently each kind forming a distinct band in relation to high- and low-water marks. Many have air bladders for buoyancy,
  1. A wrecked ship; a shipwreck

  2. Wreckage

  1. bust up: smash or break forcefully; "The kid busted up the car"
  2. dried seaweed especially that cast ashore
  3. the destruction or collapse of something; "wrack and ruin"
  4. sea wrack: growth of marine vegetation especially of the large forms such as rockweeds and kelp
  5. In mathematics, racks and quandles are sets with a binary operations satisfying axioms analogous to the Reidemeister moves used to manipulate knot diagrams.
  6. The Mahogany Ship refers to a putative, early shipwreck that is purported to lie beneath the sand in the Armstrong Bay area, approximately 3 to 6 kilometres west of Warrnambool in southwest Victoria, Australia. In many modern accounts it is described as a Portuguese caravel.
  7. Wrack is the common name for several species of seaweed in the family Fucaceae. Pelvetia canaliculata (L.) Dcne. et Thur., Fucus spiralis L., Fucus vesiculosus L., Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol. and Fucus serratus L. are the most common examples to be found in the British Isles. ...
  8. revenge, persecution; ruin, destruction; the remains; a wreck; to wreck, especially a ship (usually in passive)
  9. Algae, plant and animal matter, and drift material (including solid wastes and other pollutants) that accumulate on beaches, usually at the high tide mark.
  10. a tangle of seaweeds on the seashore; often used as a common name for fucalean seaweeds
  11. To destroy by wave action. 2. Seaweed thrown ashore by sea.