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windrow 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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windrows, plural;
  1. A long line of raked hay or sheaves of grain laid out to dry in the wind

  2. A long line of material heaped up by the wind

  1. A windrow is a row of cut (mowed) hay or small grain crop. It is allowed to dry before being baled, combined, or rolled. For hay, the windrow is often formed by a hay rake, which rakes hay that has been cut by a mower machine or by scythe into a row, or it may naturally form as the hay is mowed. ...
  2. A row of cut grain or hay allowed to dry in a field; A line of leaves etc heaped up by the wind; A similar streak of seaweed etc on the surface of the sea formed by Langmuir circulation
  3. (WINDROWING) The placement and management of compostable material in piled rows, where micro-organisms break down organic material into a finished compost product.
  4. Windrows of gravel material on highway during construction.
  5. Woody debris that has been piled into a long continuous row.
  6. Long narrow pile, usually of logging slash removed from a planting site (17).
  7. an elongated pile of aerobically composting materials that are turned periodically to expose the materials to oxygen and to control the temperature to promote biodegradation.
  8. A long, low, narrow pile, such as of compost.
  9. large, elongated pile of yard trimmings or other organic materials used in the composting process, typically turned by a machine. Municipal composting programs often use windrows for large-scale composting of yard trimmings.
  10. slash that has been gathered into an elongated pile.
  11. Slash, logs, or other material piled in a more or less continuous line to clear the intervening ground.
  12. Logging debris and unmerchantable woody vegetation that has been piled in rows.
  13. an accumulation of slash, branchwood and debris on a harvested cutblock created to clear the ground for regeneration. Also refers to an accumulation of fill or surfacing material left on the road shoulder as a result of grading operations.
  14. A form of composting in which pretreated refuse is laid out in heaps with a triangular cross section of 2 - 3 m width at the base and a height of 2 m and turned at regular intervals.
  15. A ridge of loose material.