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wildcat 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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wildcats, plural;
  1. (of a strike) Sudden and unofficial
    • - legislation to curb wildcat strikes
  2. Commercially unsound or risky

  1. Prospect for oil

  1. A small native Eurasian and African cat that is typically gray with black markings and a bushy tail, noted for its ferocity

  2. Any of the smaller members of the cat family, esp. the bobcat

  3. A hot-tempered or ferocious person, typically a woman

  4. An exploratory oil well

  1. wildcat well: an exploratory oil well drilled in land not known to be an oil field
  2. outside the bounds of legitimate or ethical business practices; "wildcat currency issued by irresponsible banks"; "wildcat stock speculation"; "a wildcat airline"; "wildcat life insurance schemes"
  3. beast: a cruelly rapacious person
  4. unauthorized: without official authorization; "an unauthorized strike"; "wildcat work stoppage"
  5. any small or medium-sized cat resembling the domestic cat and living in the wild
  6. Wildcat! is a bulletin board system (BBS) software package developed in 1986 by Mustang Software to create a dial-up BBS operating under DOS. It was later ported to Microsoft Windows. By the release of Version 4 it was the basis for over 50,000 bulletin boards worldwide.
  7. WildCat, designed by Anton Schwarzkopf, is a roller coaster located at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio. It is a ’’Wild Mouse’’-style coaster where small cars (each holding four passengers) take many tight turns and small hills that produce negative g-forces as well as strong lateral forces. ...
  8. Wildcat is the name of several fictional characters, all DC Comics superheroes. The first and most famous of these is Ted Grant, a long-time member of the Justice Society of America. ...
  9. Wildcat is the name of a wooden roller coaster located at Lake Compounce in Bristol, Connecticut. It was built in 1927 and is the park's centerpiece. It is one of the world's oldest operating roller coasters (in operation at the same location). ...
  10. The 2008 Miami Dolphins season was the organization's 39th season in the National Football League and 43rd overall. During the regular season the Dolphins completed the greatest single-season turnaround in NFL history, going from a 1-15 regular season record in 2007 to an 11-5 record in 2008. ...
  11. Wildcat is a musical with a book by N. Richard Nash, lyrics by Carolyn Leigh, and music by Cy Coleman.
  12. "Wildcat" is an early short story by the American author Flannery O'Connor. It is one of the six stories included in O'Connor's 1947 master's thesis The Geranium: A Collection of Short Stories and was published posthumously in The North American Review in 1970. ...
  13. A species of cat, Felis silvestris; Any undomesticated species of cat; a person who acts like a wildcat, often sexually; a caliber of ammunition derived by amending another type of cartridge and not made by commercial manufacturers; In the labor movement, anything done outside of the control ...
  14. A well that is drained one or more miles from a proven well.
  15. A well drilled in an area where no oil or gas production exists.
  16. speculative exploration well drilled in search of a new oil or gas accumulation.
  17. Traditionally: drilling rigs and wells. Today it is a well drilled on unproven ground (A wildcat well).
  18. An exploration well drilled without comprehensive geological knowledge of the locality. By their nature, wildcat wells are usually relatively high-risk.
  19. A model of automobile manufactured by Buick Division of General Motors from 1962-70
  20. A well drilled to an undeveloped geologic formation in an unexplored area
  21. (Pat Fraley), a clueless and gangly lion who typically wears a mechanic's outfit. Officially the Higher for Hire mechanic, actual intelligence is not his forte, but he's extremely adept at fixing devices and a childlike innocence to his genial nature. ...
  22. a business with a high level of opportunity and a high level of threat.
  23. A highly speculative well drilled in unproven territory.
  24. A well in unproven territory. With present-day exploration methods and equipment, about one wildcat of every 10 drilled proves to be commercially productive.
  25. A noise and a hand motion made after an Aggie yell. Each class uses a different wildcat based on seniority.^[4]^[5]^[11]