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wield 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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wielded, past participle; wields, 3rd person singular present; wielding, present participle; wielded, past tense;
  1. Hold and use (a weapon or tool)
    • - a masked raider wielding a handgun
  2. Have and be able to use (power or influence)
    • - faction leaders wielded enormous influence within the party

  1. have and exercise; "wield power and authority"
  2. handle effectively; "The burglar wielded an axe"; "The young violinist didn't manage her bow very well"
  3. Wield is a civil parish in Hampshire, England. It includes two neighbouring villages, Upper Wield and Lower Wield.
  4. To command, rule over; to possess or own; To control, to guide or manage; To handle with skill and ease, especially of a weapon or tool; To exercise (authority or influence) effectively
  5. (Wielding) indicates a strong male approach to life or the subject matter of the dream. You act without listening to your heart. You need to restore the balance between male and female aspects of yourself. Female energy allows you to forgive, listen, have two-way communication, lead and more.
  6. (v) to exercise or use, esp. a weapon or instrument; to gain control over