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whiten 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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whitens, 3rd person singular present; whitened, past tense; whitened, past participle; whitening, present participle;
  1. Make or become white
    • - snow whitened the mountain tops
    • - she gripped the handle until her knuckles whitened

  1. turn white; "This detergent will whiten your laundry"
  2. (whitened) white: (of hair) having lost its color; "the white hairs of old age"
  3. (whitening) changing to a lighter color
  4. Mark Anthony Whiten (born November 25, 1966) is a former Major League Baseball outfielder and switch-hitter batter who played for the Toronto Blue Jays (1990–91), Cleveland Indians (1991–92, 1998–2000), St. ...
  5. (Whitening (leather processing)) The leather manufacturing process is divided into three sub-processes: preparatory stages, tanning and crusting. All true leathers will undergo these sub-processes. A further sub-process, surface coating may be added into the sequence. ...
  6. (Whiter) White is a color, the perception which is evoked by light that stimulates all three types of color sensitive cone cells in the human eye in nearly equal amounts and with high brightness compared to the surroundings. A white visual stimulation will be void of hue and grayness.
  7. (whiter) comparative form of white: more white
  8. (Whitening) The process of lightening discolored or stained teeth. Treatment can be in-office or at-home.
  9. (Whitening) A process that employs special bleaching agents for restoring the color of teeth.
  10. (Whitening) A process of whitening teeth that uses special compounds usually containing hydrogen peroxide. Sometimes lasers are used in conjunction with these compounds. Over-the-counter whitening products are not the prescription strength that dentists use and are therefore less effective.
  11. (Whitening) An overly-cute description of making a signal or data more like white noise, with an equal amount of energy in each frequency. To make data more random-like.
  12. (Whitening) Causing the teeth to appear brighter by applying certain medicaments. Can be done at home. Not a permanent treatment, it lasts for six to twelve months, and is easily maintained or retreated.
  13. (Whitening) Is a bleaching process used to create a beautiful smile by extrinsically lightening the shade of your teeth to make them more aesthetically pleasing, using a medically certified bleaching gel.
  14. (Whitening) Removal of stains that collect over time on tooth surfaces over time, generally done by bleaching.
  15. (Whitening) Take advantage of a variety of methods to brighten your smile, either at the facility or at home.
  16. (Whitening) involves mixing additional material derived from the key into the plaintext before the first round, or into the ciphertext after the last round. or both. The technique was introduced by Ron Rivest in DES-X and has since been used in other ciphers such as RC6, Blowfish and Twofish. ...
  17. (Whitening) only relevant to toiletry and cosmetic products (e.g. oral hygiene, cosmetics, skincare, soap & bath products) which claim to whiten skin or teeth, and not related to household whitening products (e.g. fabric detergent, bleach).
  18. (whitening) Any process that will make teeth appear whiter. This can be achieved in two ways. A product can bleach the tooth, which means that it actually changes the natural tooth color. Bleaching products contain peroxide(s) that help remove deep (intrinsic) and surface (extrinsic) stains. ...
  19. Most whitening agents rely on a biological or chemical reaction with your calcium-based teeth. Most whitening agents do not react with unnatural teeth, crowns or fillings. Ask the dentist if the results will be even across all teeth. Annual touch-ups are available and will cost less.
  20. Tooth whitening is a safe, simple and comfortable procedure that lightens the tooth enamel. The patient's dentist will fabricate custom appliances for the patient to wear on the upper and lower arches of the mouth. ...