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whelp 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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whelps, plural;
  1. (of a female dog) Give birth to (a puppy)
    • - Copper whelped seven puppies
    • - a bitch due to whelp
  1. A puppy

  2. A cub

  3. A boy or young man (often as a disparaging form of address)

  4. A set of projections on the barrel of a capstan or windlass, designed to reduce the slippage of a rope

  1. pup: young of any of various canines such as a dog or wolf
  2. birth; "the dog whelped"
  3. the young of a mammal; an insolent youth; one of several wooden strips to prevent wear on a windlass on a clipper-era ship; a tooth on a sprocket wheel (compare sprocket, def. 2; cog, def. 1); to give birth
  4. (Whelping) The act of giving birth.
  5. (Whelping) Refers to the date of birth of the puppies.  This date is determined more or less as 63 days from breeding.  The breeding occurs after the estrus stage (the visible period of heat) in a two or three day window.  Fertilization may occur during or a day or two after that window. ...
  6. (Whelping) the procedure during which a female dog gives birth to puppies.
  7. Whelping is the name given to parturition (giving birth) in dogs.
  8. the act of a female dog delivering puppies
  9. A young puppy. Also, to give birth to a puppy.
  10. To bring forth young from a bitch; a puppy
  11. a youth or child; a term usually showing contempt.
  12. a youth, especially an impudent or despised one.
  13. Derogatory term toward young Kindred.
  14. To give birth; said of female dogs.
  15. An impudent whelp; a saucy boy.