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wheeze 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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wheezed, past participle; wheezes, 3rd person singular present; wheezing, present participle; wheezed, past tense;
  1. (of a person) Breathe with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest, as a result of obstruction in the air passages
    • - the illness often leaves her wheezing
  2. Utter with such a sound
    • - he could barely wheeze out his pleas for a handout
    • - “Don't worry son,” he wheezed
  3. Walk or move slowly with such a sound
    • - she wheezed up the hill toward them
  4. (of a device) Make an irregular rattling or spluttering sound
    • - the engine coughed, wheezed, and shrieked into life
  1. A sound of or as of a person wheezing
    • - I talk with a wheeze
  2. An old joke, story, aphorism, act, or routine
    • - the old wheeze about the diner complaining about the fly in his soup
  3. A clever or amusing scheme, idea, or trick
    • - a new wheeze to help farmers

  1. breathing with a husky or whistling sound
  2. breathe with difficulty
  3. (Briticism) a clever or amusing scheme or trick; "a clever wheeze probably succeeded in neutralizing the German espionage threat"
  4. A wheeze is a continuous, coarse, whistling sound produced in the respiratory airways during breathing. For wheezes to occur, some part of the respiratory tree must be narrowed or obstructed, or airflow velocity within the respiratory tree must be heightened. ...
  5. A piping or whistling sound caused by difficult respiration; An ordinary whisper exaggerated so as to produce the hoarse sound known as the "stage whisper"; a forcible whisper with some admixture of tone; A scheme or plan; Something very humorous or laughable; To breathe hard, and with an ...
  6. (Wheezing) the sound made by air moving through partially obstructed airways.
  7. (Wheezing) the high-pitched whistling sound of air entering or leaving narrowed airways.
  8. (Wheezing) A high-pitched noise that comes from the chest as air is forced through airways that are too narrow.
  9. (Wheezing) The production of a whistling noise during difficult breathing that occurs in asthma. This noise indicates that the airway is narrowed and that airflow may be partially obstructed.
  10. (Wheezing) a high-pitched noise, often referred to as a whistling sound, which comes from the chest in a patient with asthma. May be accompanied by chest tightness or shortness of breath.
  11. (Wheezing) a sound sometimes made by people who have trouble breathing. ^32
  12. (Wheezing) a whistling sound during exhalation, caused by air forced to move through constricted bronchioles (airways) during a flare. Whistling during inhalation is not considered wheezing. Contrary to popular belief, many asthma sufferers don’t wheeze at all.
  13. (wheezing) respirar com dificuldade
  14. the sound of disturbed airflow in the bronchi, e.g. in bronchitis or asthma. The noise is caused by. 1. too much mucus in the bronchi 2. narrowing of the bronchi.
  15. is the term used by doctors and nurses to describe the sound that they hear in the lungs of patients who have an obstruction in the airways, especially when the wheezing patient is blowing air out of the lungs (exhaling). Many times asthmatics who are uncontrolled will be wheezing. ...
  16. an adventitious or abnormal breath sound heard when listening to the chest as a person breathes. Wheezes are continuous and musical sounding, and usually caused by airway obstruction from swelling or secretions. Wheezes can be high or low pitched, and are also known as rhonchi.
  17. A high-pitched whistling noise that can be heard when air moves through tightened bronchial tubes.
  18. A whistling sound made by a person who has airflow obstruction when breathing
  19. High pitched whistling sound characterizing obstruction or spasm of the lower airways.
  20. a high- or low-pitched breath sound produced when lower airway passages are narrowed, usually during exhalation