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wheelbarrow 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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wheelbarrows, plural;
  1. Carry (a load) in a wheelbarrow

  1. A small cart with a single wheel at the front and two supporting legs and two handles at the rear, used typically for carrying loads in building-work or gardening

  1. transport in a wheelbarrow
  2. barrow: a cart for carrying small loads; has handles and one or more wheels
  3. The Wheelbarrow is a remotely controlled robot designed by Lieutenant-Colonel 'Peter' Miller in 1972 for use by British Army bomb disposal teams operating in Northern Ireland (321 EOD), mainland Britain (11 EOD Regiment) and Iraq. ...
  4. A small, one-wheeled (rarely two-wheeled) cart with handles at one end for transporting small loads
  5. hauls everything from lawn tools to fertilizer to lawn waste.
  6. A hand cart with one wheel in front plus two legs and two handles in back; used to move materials short distances.
  7. Dancers dance a pattern with two ladies and one gent facing a gent, holding hands in a specific pattern.  Often, ADVANCE AND RETIRE then ladies dance with the other man.  Multiple variations are danced.
  8. A small hand vehicle for transporting materials, consisting of a bed or box resting on two handles, supported by a wheel at one end and the operator's hands at the other.
  9. A wheelbarrow, generally a three-wheeled tub, is used to carry around tools, dirt and other items often needed in the garden. They can be small or large and made from many different materials.
  10. A shallow open box with a wheel in front and two handles in the rear; used for moving small loads.
  11. A backslide with the front foot rolling on the back wheel.