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wattle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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wattles, plural;
  1. Make, enclose, or fill up with wattle

  1. A colored fleshy lobe hanging from the head or neck of domestic chickens, turkeys, and some other birds

  1. a fleshy wrinkled and often brightly colored fold of skin hanging from the neck or throat of certain birds (chickens and turkeys) or lizards
  2. build of or with wattle
  3. framework consisting of stakes interwoven with branches to form a fence
  4. interlace to form wattle
  5. any of various Australasian trees yielding slender poles suitable for wattle
  6. A wattle is a fleshy dewlap or caruncle hanging from various parts of the head or neck in several groups of birds, goats and other animals. In some birds the caruncle is erectile tissue.
  7. Congenital cartilaginous rest of the neck (also known as a "Cervical accessory tragus," and "Wattle") is a cutaneous condition characterized by branchial arch remnants that are considered to be the cervical variant of accessory tragus.
  8. (Wattles) Acacia is a genus of shrubs and trees belonging to the subfamily Mimosoideae of the family Fabaceae, first described in Africa by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus in 1773. Many non-Australian species tend to be thorny, whereas the majority of Australian Acacias are not. ...
  9. (wattled) having a wattle
  10. (wattling) an interwoven mesh of twigs; wattle; the act of making such a mesh
  11. (Wattles) it’s similar to a chicken’s crow but instead of being on top of the head, it’s found under the neck of the chicken. It’s composition is red and has rubber-like flaps.
  12. (Wattles) Fence or barrier constructed of interwoven twigs and branches used to stabilize soil from erosive forces.
  13. (Wattles) Fleshy appendages on the chin or throat, such as on a birdAn animal that has wings and is covered with feathers. Birds have a backbone, are warm-blooded, produce young from eggs, and walk on their two legs. Most can fly. or goat.
  14. (Wattles) The fleshy appendages hanging either side of the lower beak of poultry.
  15. (Wattles) The two red, rubbery flaps of flesh on a chicken's neck.
  16. (Wattles) Waddles are "goat jewelry". Some goats have them, some do not. They serve no purpose but adornment.
  17. (Wattles) are like little bags that sometimes hang under a goat's chin on it's neck.
  18. (Wattles) fleshy, pendent growths from the throat, near the bill.
  19. 1) On flags, a plaque, frame or ornament consisting of two or more interlaced branches, and typically used on Croatian flags (see also ‘cartouche’ and ‘ring’).
  20. It is an organization of interwoven plant materials used as a fence, preventing sedimentation by runoff and erosion.
  21. A kind of woven mesh of sticks, usually oak or willow, used in house construction.
  22. a large shrub or tree with white or yellow flower clusters
  23. a fence made from interwoven sticks, often covered in daub to make a wall
  24. a mat of woven sticks and weed used in wall construction
  25. In plants: members of the acacia genus. In birds: a long, brightly coloured, fleshy lobe hanging from the face or neck, such as in the Red Wattlebird.