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wallop 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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walloping, present participle; walloped, past tense; wallops, 3rd person singular present; walloped, past participle;
  1. Strike or hit (someone or something) very hard
    • - they walloped the back of his head with a stick
    • - they were tired of getting walloped with income taxes
  2. Heavily defeat (an opponent)

  1. A heavy blow or punch

  2. A potent effect
    • - the script packs a wallop
  3. Alcoholic drink, esp. beer

  1. impact: a forceful consequence; a strong effect; "the book had an important impact on my thinking"; "the book packs a wallop"
  2. whack: hit hard; "The teacher whacked the boy"
  3. a severe blow
  4. defeat soundly and utterly; "We'll wallop them!"
  5. Wallop was originally designed as an Internet social network service tracing its origins from Microsoft Research. As a startup, the company behind Wallop was backed by $13 million from Microsoft and venture capitalists including Norwest Venture Partners, Bay Partners and Consor Capital. ...
  6. The Wallop is a 1921 Western film directed by John Ford and starring Harry Carey. The film is considered to be lost.
  7. A heavy blow, punch; A person's ability to throw such punches; An emotional impact, psychological force; A thrill, emotionally excited reaction; anything produced by a process that involves boiling; Beer, tea, whitewash; A thick piece of fat; To rush hastily; To flounder, wallow; To boil ...
  8. a slang British term used for mild beers with low alcohol.
  9. deleted as not unique to Singlish or Singapore English: appears in quotations dating from 1892 in the Oxford English Dictionary.
  10. To wash dishes on a Pathfinder canoe trip. Walloping is done away from the lake, and no leftover food goes in the water or down the Treasure box.
  11. Agricultural shot through the leg side; or extremely strong beer.
  12. 1. thrash; beat; strike heavily. 2. a forceful impression.
  13. means to beat soundly, thrash.