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waggle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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waggled, past tense; waggled, past participle; waggling, present participle; waggles, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Move or cause to move with short quick movements from side to side or up and down
    • - his arm waggled
    • - Mary waggled a glass at them
  2. Swing (a golf club) loosely to and fro over the ball before playing a shot

  1. An act of waggling

  1. wag: move from side to side; "The happy dog wagged his tail"
  2. wamble: move unsteadily or with a weaving or rolling motion
  3. a wobbling motion; To move (something) with short, quick motions; to wobble
  4. Movement of the club head prior to swinging. A flourishing of the club behind and over the ball.
  5. To swing the club back and forth in short, sweeping motions above the ball after addressing it and before beginning the backswing. ...
  6. to move the club-head back and forth before beginning the take-away
  7. some kind of motion or movement of the club for the purpose of staying loose, feeling the club, keeping the body in motion instead of holding still
  8. The movements a golfer goes through prior to striking the ball. A warm up designed to keep the muscles loose before a shot.
  9. A preshot routine involving some movement of the hands or club as a sort of mini-swing designed to take tension out of the swing and prepare the player for the upcoming shot.
  10. A motion or several motions designed to keep a player relaxed at address and help establish a smooth pace in the takeaway and swing. (His father told him to try and copy Sam Snead's waggle.)
  11. golf terms for club head motion behind and over the ball.
  12. Pre-shot movement in which a golfer moves the club back away from the ball a time or two, usually to relieve tension.
  13. Two men and two women in a foursome do this to relieve tension prior to hitting a golf shot