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vitalize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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vitalizing, present participle; vitalizes, 3rd person singular present; vitalized, past tense; vitalised, past participle; vitalising, present participle; vitalised, past tense; vitalized, past participle; vitalises, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Give strength and energy to
    • - yoga calms and vitalizes body and mind

  1. give life to; "The eggs are vitalized"
  2. make more lively or vigorous; "The treatment at the spa vitalized the old man"
  3. (vitalization) the state of being vitalized and filled with life
  4. (vitalizing) life-giving: giving or having the power to give life and spirit; "returning the life-giving humus to the land"- Louis Bromfield; "life-giving love and praise"; "the vitalizing rays of the warming sun"
  5. Vitalize! is a browser plugin created by Clickteam which processes and displays applications with a .ccn file extension exported from the Click & Create (Multimedia Fusion Express), Multimedia Fusion, and The Games Factory series. Vitalize! ...
  6. Alternative spelling of vitalise