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vigorous 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of a person) Strong, healthy, and full of energy,
  1. (of a person) Strong, healthy, and full of energy

  2. Characterized by or involving physical strength, effort, or energy
    • - vigorous aerobic exercise
  3. (of language) Forceful
    • - a vigorous denial
  4. (of a plant) Growing strongly

  1. characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity; "a vigorous hiker"; "gave her skirt a vigorous shake"; "a vigorous campaign"; "a vigorous foreign policy"; "vigorous opposition to the war"
  2. strong and active physically or mentally; "a vigorous old man who spent half of his day on horseback"- W.H.Hudson
  3. Firm, lively fruit, strong body; assertive flavor.
  4. Lively and strong wine, usually still developing in a healthy way.
  5. Describes a wine that is young and lively.
  6. A firm and fruit-forward flavor quality.
  7. Having strength or energy of body or mind. Characterized by forceful and energetic action or activity.
  8. In wine, a lively taste or feel.
  9. strong; active; robust.