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vaunt 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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vaunting, present participle; vaunts, 3rd person singular present; vaunted, past tense; vaunted, past participle;
  1. Boast about or praise (something), esp. excessively
    • - the much vaunted information superhighway
  1. A boast

  1. boast: show off
  2. extravagant self-praise
  3. Boasting is the act of making an ostentatious speech. It is considered a vice by such major religious groups as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Boasting has also been studied by such evolutionary psychologists as Robert Wright.
  4. A boast; an instance of vaunting; To speak boastfully
  5. (vaunted) Highly or widely praised or boasted about