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variegate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. change the appearance of, especially by marking with different colors
  2. vary: make something more diverse and varied; "Vary the menu"
  3. (variegated) varicolored: having a variety of colors
  4. (variegation) variability in coloration
  5. (variegation) diversification: the act of introducing variety (especially in investments or in the variety of goods and services offered); "my broker recommended a greater diversification of my investments"; "he limited his losses by diversification of his product line"
  6. Variegation is the appearance of differently coloured zones in the leaves, and sometimes the stems, of plants. This may be due to a number of causes. Some variegation is attractive and ornamental and gardeners tend to preserve these. ...
  7. (Variegation (histology)) In histology, variegation is the property of having discrete markings of different colors.
  8. (variegated) Streaked, spotted, or otherwise marked with a variety of color; very colorful
  9. (variegated) A term that applies to any tobacco in which the color is not uniform after curing. Variegated leaves remain green, yellow, or bleached in some places, while the rest of the leaf has the normal coloring of its type.
  10. (Variegated) Generally, refers to thread that is dyed in multiple colors in sequence so that the thread will uniformly change colors (from two to six different colors) every three to seven inches. This thread is used for decorative stitching or embroidery applications. ...
  11. (Variegated) definition – typically refers to a plant coloring that is blotched, edged, or striped with yellow, white, or a cream color. In the water garden people enjoy variegated Sweet Flag and variegated ribbon grass.
  12. (Variegated) Marked with various colours in an irregular pattern
  13. (variegated) Having streaks, marks, or patches of different colors; distinguished or characterized by a variety of different colors.
  14. (Variegated) Plant leaves marked with a number of contrasting colours
  15. (variegated) When the leaves of a plant have multiple colors on the same leaf.
  16. (Variegated) Different colors on the same leaf, or flower.
  17. (VARIEGATED) leaf having more than one color due to a difference in pigment components as margined, medio-variegated, splashed,misted, or mottled.
  18. (Variegated) A clear bird showing any form of melanistic markings on it's feathers, from a tick to 3 parts dark.
  19. (Variegated) Applied to leaves (and sometimes flowers) that are marked decoratively in a contrasting colour, usually yellow, cream or white.
  20. (Variegated) Foliage in which some of the natural green color has been replaced by other colors, such as white, cream, or red.
  21. (Variegated) Irregular markings in yellow or white found on leaves of plants e.g. ivy or holly
  22. (Variegated) Irregularly coloured in patches or blotches.
  23. (Variegated) Multi-colored fabrics where colors are splotched or in patches.
  24. (Variegated) Striped, margined, or mottled with a color other than green, where green is normal.
  25. (Variegated) This is a color pattern where the colors are mixed on each scale. For example, a single scale may be part orange and part white. Many of these scales together form dithered patterns that are considered variegated coloring. ...