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vacation 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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vacations, plural;
  1. Take a vacation
    • - I was vacationing in Europe with my family
  1. An extended period of recreation, esp. one spent away from home or in traveling
    • - he took a vacation in the south of France
    • - people come here on vacation
    • - a vacation home
  2. A fixed holiday period between terms in schools and law courts

  3. The action of leaving something one previously occupied
    • - his marriage was the reason for the vacation of his fellowship

  1. spend or take a vacation
  2. leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure; "we get two weeks of vacation every summer"; "we took a short holiday in Puerto Rico"
  3. the act of making something legally void
  4. A vacation is a leave of absence from a regular occupation, or a specific trip or journey, for the purpose of recreation or tourism. People often take a vacation during specific holiday observances, or for specific festivals or celebrations. ...
  5. Vacation is the second album by rock band The Go-Go's, released in 1982 on the I.R.S. Records label. The album got to #8 in the U.S. Billboard 200, and was certified gold. Both the "Vacation" title track, and the "Cool Jerk" cover scored on the pop charts in the U.S. ...
  6. Vacation was a hit for Connie Francis which entered the Billboard Hot 100 in July 1962 to peak at #9; its peak on the Cash Box Top 100 chart was #10.
  7. Vacation, sometimes referred as National Lampoon's Vacation, is a 1983 comedy film directed by Harold Ramis and starring Chevy Chase, Beverly D'Angelo, Randy Quaid, Dana Barron and Anthony Michael Hall. ...
  8. This article is a list of episodes from The Golden Girls.
  9. Vacation (2007) is the first and most recent novel by American author Jeremy C. Shipp. Vacation’s protagonist, Bernard Johnson, finds himself trapped in a job his parents chose for him, miserable in a loveless relationship, and dependent on anti-depressants for his emotional stability. ...
  10. (Vacations) are taken by Jon and his pets every so often, usually to exotic places. Early in the series, Garfield had to sneak along in Jon’s suitcase (this tactic is also used in the second Garfield film, Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties). ...
  11. "I think that if I had two or three quiet days of just sheer thinking I'd upset everything," Henry Miller complained. "I ought to go to the office one day and blow out [my boss's] brains. That's the first step. ...
  12. The term used for breaks within the academic year, e.g. Christmas.
  13. A period of increased and pleasurable activity when your wife is at the seashore.
  14. Refers to vacation of street or road as an action taken by the Board of Supervisors in order to abolish the public's right of passage over a road or road right of way dedicated by a plat of subdivision. ...
  15. those parts of the year which are not term; a period when academic study is pursued away from the university.
  16. Accrued paid time off granted by the employer to be used at a time mutually agreed to by the employer and the employee.
  17. Most colleges supplement their income by becoming conference centres outside of term time, which means that students living on the college site are usually asked to ‘vacate’ their rooms for conference guests, hence the term ‘vacation’. ...
  18. Yes, membership freezes will be allowed within reason. They will be granted for vacations between 1 & 3 weeks (4 weeks and longer are also allowed, but there is a $25 holding fee).
  19. to leave a square so that another piece may occupy it, e.g. Rf1-e1 and Bb5-f1 is sometimes played. [example?]
  20. Matt used to think the spoken word "vay/KAY/shun" and the written word "vacation" were completely different entities. Yes, they meant about the same thing, but this was coincidence.
  21. two weeks when you learn where to stay away from next year.
  22. You should see how much time you get and how long it takes to accrue. Time off is another perk that an employer might be willing to extend before they would boost your salary.
  23. The university's preferred alternative word to 'holiday', meant to remind you that the ones at Christmas and Easter should be spent on supervision work and reading rather than relaxation - as if. Though do try to do some revision at Easter, it does help.
  24. DATA-SAFE I.T. SERVICES, INC. will take vacation at DATA-SAFE I.T. SERVICES, INC. discretion and will notify SUBSCRIBER in writing of said vacation. No on-site service will be provided during this vacation period and DATA-SAFE I.T. SERVICES, INC. ...
  25. After 1000 days at work without a single day off, state law requires that Terry must take a vacation. ...