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A form of Hindustani written in Persian script, with many loanwords from Persian and Arabic. It is an official language of Pakistan and is widely used in India and elsewhere,
  1. A form of Hindustani written in Persian script, with many loanwords from Persian and Arabic. It is an official language of Pakistan and is widely used in India and elsewhere

  1. the official literary language of Pakistan, closely related to Hindi; widely used in India (mostly by Moslems); written in Arabic script
  2. Urdu (Urdu: اردو) is the national language and one of the two official languages of Pakistan (the other being English), and one of 22 scheduled languages of India, as an official language of five Indian states. ...
  3. Urdu was an experimental pop music group that formed in California, USA in 1983. It was a trio consisting of ambient musician and multi-instrumentalist Robert Rich, guitarist Rick Davies and bassist Andrew McGowan. ...
  4. Of or relating to the Urdu language; An Indo-Iranian language with native speakers mainly in Pakistan and North India
  5. A Persian-influenced literary form of Hindi written in Arabic characters and used as a literary language since the 1300s. (p. 388)
  6. originally a language of the army, combining Persian words with a Hindi base, it became the literary language of Islamised north India after the decline of Persian.
  7. A language spoken by Muslims from India and Pakistan.
  8. (اردو), historically spelled Ordu, is an Indo-Aryan language of the Indo-Iranian branch, belonging to Indo-European family of languages. It developed under Persian and Arabic, to some lesser degree also under Turkic influence in South Asia during the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire (1200–1800 AD).