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upscale 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Toward or relating to the more expensive or affluent sector of the market,
  1. Toward or relating to the more expensive or affluent sector of the market
    • - Hawaii's upscale boutique hotels
    • - once known as the low-cost cousin of beef, fish has moved upscale

  1. appropriate for people with good incomes; "an upscale neighborhood"; "an upscale motel"
  2. In economics, a luxury good is a good for which demand increases more than proportionally as income rises, in contrast to a "necessity good", for which demand is not related to income.
  3. To increase in size, to scale up; Marked by wealth or quality; high-class
  4. (upscaleness) The quality of being upscale
  5. Says who? Overused by Realtors and reporters alike, it always says much more about the source’s place on the economic scale than the object’s.
  6. The practice of building large HPR versions of smaller model rockets.
  7. This is a word that should be used to describe something that’s financially out of reach of the typical person’s life, like Bloomingdale’s, Neiman-Marcus or Gucci. Instead, “upscale” is often used to describe something that’s new, polished and modern. ...