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uppercase 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
/ˈəpərˈ kās/,
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Capital letters as opposed to small letters (lowercase),
  1. Capital letters as opposed to small letters (lowercase)
    • - the keywords must be in uppercase
    • - uppercase letters

  1. relating to capital letters which were kept in the top half of a compositor's type case; "uppercase letters; X and Y and Z etc"
  2. Capital letters or majuscules are the larger of two type faces in a script. In the Roman alphabet they are A, B, C, D, etc. They are also called capitals (caps) or upper case (uppercase). ...
  3. Alternative spelling of upper case; written in upper case; capital
  4. A capital letter, so called because of the placement of capital letters in a printer's type case.
  5. adj. (of a character) being among standard characters corresponding to the capital letters A through Z, or being some other implementation-defined character that is defined by the implementation to be uppercase. See Section (Characters With Case).
  6. in typography, capital letters, which gained this alternative name from the standard location in which typesetters stored them.
  7. The set of 26 characters ‘A’ to ‘Z’. THIS IS UPPERCASE (not lowercase).
  8. More commonly known as capital letters. See definition of lowercase.
  9. Capital letters of the alphabet, or those characters created by pressing the computer keyboard "shift" key in combination with another key. See also: lowercase.
  10. specifies that you want the statistics output in uppercase only. If you want output in mixed case (the default), do not code this parameter.
  11. Denotes letters that are capitalized. For instance, acronyms (such as "HTML") typically consist of all uppercase letters. The notion of uppercase does not apply to East Asian and Middle Eastern scripts.
  12. convert string to uppercase
  13. Capital. Abbreviated UC.
  14. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z