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unzip 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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unzipped, past tense; unzipped, past participle; unzipping, present participle; unzips, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Unfasten the zipper of (an item of clothing)
    • - he unzipped his black jacket
  2. Decompress (a file) that has previously been compressed

  1. open the zipper of; "unzip the bag"
  2. The ZIP file format is a data compression and archive format. A ZIP file contains one or more files that have been compressed to reduce file size, or stored as-is. The ZIP file format permits a number of compression algorithms.
  3. (Unzipped (film)) Unzipped is a 1995 documentary film, directed by Douglas Keeve. It follows fashion designer Isaac Mizrahi, Keeve's then boyfriend, as he plans and ultimately shows his fall 1994 collection. ...
  4. (Unzipped (magazine)) LPI Media (formerly Liberation Publications Inc.), Magazine Publishers of America, 2006-2007. Retrieved 29 December 2007. was the largest gay and lesbian publisher in the United States. ...
  5. to open something using a zipper; to come open by means of a zipper; To decompress a zip file
  6. (unzipping) The process of extracting one or more files from a PKZIP or WinZip-compatible archive file.
  7. To uncompress a ZIPPED file. See ZIP.
  8. To unzip is to extract (see extract) a Zip archive.
  9. A fall where one piece of protection after another is pulled out by the force of the fall. Often refers to the failure of intermediate protection in rock climbing but also a threat for fixed lines and running belays in alpine climbing.
  10. a method for uncompressing files on a PC after downloading them from the Internet. Many files are stored on servers in a compressed format, making them take up less disk space, and reducing the time it takes to download them. These files must be decompressed to make them usable by your computer. ...
  11. To unzip a file means to decompress, expands or opens a file that has been made smaller using a compression utility. Visit, an online dictionary, for more information on unzipping.