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unsheathe 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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unsheathed, past participle; unsheathes, 3rd person singular present; unsheathing, present participle; unsheathed, past tense;
  1. Draw or pull out (a knife, sword, or similar weapon) from its sheath or covering

  1. draw from a sheath or scabbard; "the knight unsheathed his sword"
  2. (unsheathed) not having a protective covering; "unsheathed cables"; "a bare blade"
  3. ("Unsheathed") from Live's 1997 album Secret Samadhi contains the chorus "Free love is a world I can't linger too long in/Free love was just another party for the hippies to ruin", although any specific objections are very unclear.