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underpay 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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underpays, 3rd person singular present; underpaying, present participle; underpaid, past tense; underpaid, past participle;
  1. Pay too little to (someone)

  2. Pay less than is due for (something)
    • - late or underpaid tax

  1. pay too little
  2. (underpayment) a payment smaller than needed or expected
  3. (underpayment) the act of paying less than required
  4. (Underpaid) A wage is a compensation, usually financial, received by workers in exchange for their labor.
  5. To pay someone less than the value of their work
  6. (underpaid) getting too little financial compensation for one's work
  7. (Underpayment (UP)) An amount due a person that has not been paid. Underpayments usually result from unpaid accrued benefits or unnegotiated checks.
  8. (Underpayment) A reduction in mortgage repayments that may be agreed with the lender and subject to an affordability check.
  9. (Underpayments) You pay less than your normal monthly amount, with the agreement of the lender. Some lenders (including The Co-operative Bank) require you to build up some overpayments first.
  10. (Underpayments) An arrangement whereby some mortgage lenders allow borrowers to pay less than their regular monthly payments for a specified period of time.
  11. (Underpayments) Any amounts that you pay in addition to your usual monthly payment - either as lump sums or as regular additional payments - will accumulate as a 'surplus'. ...
  12. (Underpayments) On some mortgages you can arrange to pay less than your normal monthly subscriptions for a limited time, up to your agreed borrowing limit. Note you'll continue to pay interest on your loan during this period.