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underlie 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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underlies, 3rd person singular present; underlay, past tense; underlying, present participle; underlain, past participle;
  1. (esp. of a layer of rock or soil) Lie or be situated under (something)

  2. Be the cause or basis of (something)
    • - the fundamental issue that underlies the conflict
    • - the underlying causes of poverty and drug addiction

  1. be or form the base for
  2. lie underneath
  3. (underlying) implicit in(p): in the nature of something though not readily apparent; "shortcomings inherent in our approach"; "an underlying meaning"
  4. (underlying) located beneath or below
  5. (underlying) fundamental: being or involving basic facts or principles; "the fundamental laws of the universe"; "a fundamental incomatibility between them"; "these rudimentary truths"; "underlying principles"
  6. (Underlying) In finance, the underlying of a derivative is an asset, basket of assets, index, or even another derivative, such that the cash flows of the (former) derivative depend on the value of this underlying. There must be an independent way to observe this value to avoid conflicts of interest.
  7. To lie in a position directly beneath; To lie under or beneath; To serve as a basis of; form the foundation of; To be subject to; be liable to answer, as a charge or challenge; To underlay
  8. (Underlying) What supports the security or instrument that parties agree to exchange in a derivative contract.
  9. (Underlying) The stock, commodity, futures contract, or cash index against which a futures or options contract is valued.
  10. (Underlying) Referring to the stock, commodity futures contract, or cash index to be delivered in the event an option is exercised. The term underlying is often used as a noun in its own right, as well as an adjective.
  11. (Underlying) It is the currency which the option buyer has the right to buy (in the case of a call) or sell (in the case of a put).
  12. (Underlying) Is the actual or physical security, commodity, futures, index or basket underlying a derivative product. It is the benchmark for pricing and evaluation purposes.
  13. (Underlying) The security on the price of which a derivative has been constructed. For example, FIB 30 has MIB 30 as its underlying security.
  14. (UNDERLYING) Forming the foundation of. Present but not obvious; implicit.
  15. (UNDERLYING) Options are derivatives of something else: they have a certain value because something else has a certain value. That something else is the underlying, which can be a stock, ETF, or other trading vehicle. If you trade Intel options, the underlying is Intel stock. ...
  16. (Underlying) A specified interest rate, security price, commodity price, foreign exchange rate, index of prices or rates or other variable. An underlying may be the price or rate of an asset or liability, but is not the asset or liability itself.
  17. (Underlying) ETFs usually track a market, sector or strategy index that is referred to as the underlying index. The S&P 500 has the most ETF assets held against it.
  18. (Underlying) Financial instrument that underlies an option, future, warrant or other instrument.
  19. (Underlying) The actual or physical asset, commodity, currency or index on which the derivative is based and draws its value from.
  20. (Underlying) The amount of insurance or reinsurance on a risk (or occurrence) which applies to a loss before the next higher excess layer of insurance or reinsurance attaches.
  21. v.  lie or exist beneath (sth)