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underachieve 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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underachieved, past tense; underachieved, past participle; underachieves, 3rd person singular present; underachieving, present participle;
  1. Do less well than is expected, esp. in schoolwork

  1. perform less well or with less success than expected; "John consistently underachieves, although he is very able"; "My stocks underperformed last year"
  2. (underachievement) poorer than expected performance (poorer than might have been predicted from intelligence tests)
  3. (Underachieving) A discrepancy between recognized potential and actual academic performance. The causes of underachievement may be social, emotional, physical, and/or academic. A good program serves all of its gifted students, not just those who are achieving. ...