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uncouple 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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uncoupling, present participle; uncoupled, past tense; uncouples, 3rd person singular present; uncoupled, past participle;
  1. Disconnect (something, esp. a railroad vehicle that has been coupled to another)

  2. Become disconnected
    • - the groups of cells commonly uncouple from surrounding tissue
    • - I have seen marriages uncouple under the strain
  3. Release (hunting dogs) from being fastened together in couples

  1. disconnect or separate; "uncouple the hounds"
  2. (uncoupled) having the coupling undone; "the uncoupled caboose rolled down the incline"
  3. An uncoupling protein is a mitochondrial inner membrane protein that can dissipate the proton gradient before it can be used to provide the energy for oxidative phosphorylation.
  4. To disconnect or detach one thing from another; To come loose
  5. (uncoupling) In the context of linking, a quality of behavior that does not require either the artifact provider or the artifact consumer to have any information about the other. In version 1. ...