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unconcerned 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Showing a lack of worry or interest, esp. when this is surprising or callous,
  1. Showing a lack of worry or interest, esp. when this is surprising or callous
    • - Scott seemed unconcerned by his companion's problem

  1. lacking in interest or care or feeling; "the average unconcerned that his or her plight is the result of a complex of personal and economic and governmental actions...beyond the normal citizen's comprehension and control"; "blithely unconcerned about his friend's plight"
  2. easy in mind; not worried; "the prisoner seems entirely unconcerned as to the outcome of the examination"
  3. not occupied or engaged with; "readers unconcerned with style"
  4. (unconcernedly) in an unconcerned manner; "war was breaking out in Europe, but she unconcernedly planned for a holiday"
  5. (unconcern) nonchalance: the trait of remaining calm and seeming not to care; a casual lack of concern
  6. Indifferent and having no interest; aloof; Not worried, anxious or apprehensive
  7. Either unaware or unconcerned about the environment and societal issues mainly because they do not have the time or the means – these consumers are largely focused on getting by.