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uncap 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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uncapping, present participle; uncapped, past tense; uncaps, 3rd person singular present; uncapped, past participle;
  1. Remove the lid or cover from

  2. Remove a limit or restriction on (a price, rate, or amount)

  1. (uncapped) used especially of front teeth; "natural uncapped teeth"
  2. Uncapping, in the context of cable modems, refers to a number of activities performed to alter one's internet service provider modem settings. It is sometimes done for the sake of bandwidth (i.e. ...
  3. To remove a cap or cover from
  4. (uncapped) Not capped; Not having made an appearance in an international sports match
  5. (Uncapped) Term means that the ad (usually popup) is not limited in the number of times it can be shown per visitor - has no frequency cap. An uncapped popup is a popup that will be launched on every page view a visitor has to a website.
  6. (UNcaps) unknown word  in all caps: Unknown Noun Superset