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unblock 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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unblocking, present participle; unblocked, past tense; unblocks, 3rd person singular present; unblocked, past participle;
  1. Remove an obstruction from (something, esp. a pipe or drain)
    • - balloon catheters are used to unblock occluded arteries

  1. clear or remove an obstruction from; "the procedure unblocked his arteries"
  2. play the cards of (a suit) so that the last trick on which a hand can follow suit will be taken by a higher card in the hand of a partner who has the remaining cards of a combined holding
  3. make (assets) available; "release the holdings in the dictator's bank account"
  4. (Unblocking) A technique in which a number of mental blocks on a certain issue are addressed repetitively until emotional charge has been reduced and awareness increased on that subject.
  5. (Unblocking) A list of general keys used in dialoguing to free up a desire or ability, if more specific information is not available.
  6. Removing the blocks from beneatth the unit.
  7. To play a card whose rank interferes with the use of cards in the opposite hand. Opposite dummy's KQJ, declarer's singleton ace blocks the suit, and so is played to unblock. There are other situations that require unblocking, such as the Vienna coup.