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ululate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ululated, past tense; ululated, past participle; ululates, 3rd person singular present; ululating, present participle;
  1. Howl or wail as an expression of strong emotion, typically grief
    • - women were ululating as the body was laid out

  1. howl: emit long loud cries; "wail in self-pity"; "howl with sorrow"
  2. (ululation) howl: a long loud emotional utterance; "he gave a howl of pain"; "howls of laughter"; "their howling had no effect"
  3. An ululation (aka ololuge or ololygmos) is a long, wavering, high-pitched sound resembling the howl of a dog or wolf with a trilling quality. It is produced by emitting a high pitched loud voice accompanied with a rapid movement of the tongue and the uvula. ...
  4. to howl loudly or prolongedly in lamentation or joy; to produce a rapid and prolonged series of sharp noises with one's voice
  5. (ululation) A long, loud, mournful cry or howl
  6. (Ululation) The part of an incantation or chant which demands full vocal force and volume.
  7. (ululation) a howling, as of a wolf or dog; a wailing
  8. (ululation) noun - 1. a howl or hoot 2. a loud wail or lamentation
  9. lament loudly and shrilly; wail.