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tyranny 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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tyrannies, plural;
  1. Cruel and oppressive government or rule
    • - people who survive war and escape tyranny
    • - the removal of the regime may be the end of a tyranny
  2. A nation under such cruel and oppressive government

  3. Cruel, unreasonable, or arbitrary use of power or control
    • - she resented his rages and his tyranny
    • - the tyranny of the nine-to-five day
    • - his father's tyrannies
  4. (esp. in ancient Greece) Rule by one who has absolute power without legal right

  1. dictatorship: a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)
  2. absolutism: dominance through threat of punishment and violence
  3. (tyrannical) oppressive: marked by unjust severity or arbitrary behavior; "the oppressive government"; "oppressive laws"; "a tyrannical parent"; "tyrannous disregard of human rights"
  4. (tyrannical) authoritarian: characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty; "an authoritarian regime"; "autocratic government"; "despotic rulers"; "a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war"; "a tyrannical government"
  5. In classical politics, a tyrant (Greek τύραννος, turannos) is one who has taken power by his or her own means as opposed to hereditary or constitutional power. This mode of rule is referred to as tyranny (τυραννίς turannis).
  6. Tyranny (For You) is an album by Front 242, released in 1991. The song "Rhythm of Time" proved a minor hit and became a music video, appearing briefly in the film Single White Female playing on a TV.
  7. Tyranny is the debut studio album of the American pop/rock duo The Stabilizers, released on Columbia Records (CK 40264) in 1986.
  8. Tyranny, released in 2001, is the third album by alternative/punk rock band, The Generators.
  9. (tyrannical) Of, or relating to tyranny or a tyrant; Despotic, oppressive or authoritarian
  10. Uncontrolled exercise of power, often by an oppressive or unjustly severe government or a ruler (See also Despot and Dictator)
  11. a government ruled by a tyrant who uses his power oppressively or unjustly; an absolute ruler; from the Greek word tyrannos.
  12. That imaginary power of the majority to coerce the noble minorities into UniCultural submission to Conservative Nazi-ism.  In the mind of a Liberal, "The Tyranny of the Majority" is the very thing that the Constitution was created to prevent. ...
  13. Sadomasochistic result of living in the rectal chamber of the Claustrum.
  14. Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression.
  15. the use of force, fraud or fear in the control of others by way of their mind or body.
  16. "Unrestrained exercise of power; unmerciful rule." New American Webster Dictionary 1972. While it is possible to have a benevolent dictator, there is no such thing as a benevolent tyrant.
  17. Any government intrusion into the marketplace, as by forbidding usury or imposing regulations on airline safety, food quality and safety, or any other market forces.
  18. rule by a tyrant, a man who used his wealth to gain a political following that could take over the existing government.
  19. A criminal organization masquerading as a government.
  20. (1) a government wherein the RIGHTS and Liberties of the people are violated at will by those in power, and where the people possess no effective remedy to hold the transgressors accountable. ...
  21. a government ruled by an absolute ruler with maybe a few laws and a plan. The flag of the State of Virginia shows the picture of a spear-wielding Virtue atop of the oppressive tyrant whom had just slain with the motto "Sic semper tyrannis" (meaning "thus always to tyrants"). ...
  22. rule of a criminal cabal