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tweak 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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tweaked, past participle; tweaked, past tense; tweaks, 3rd person singular present; tweaking, present participle;
  1. Twist or pull (something) sharply
    • - he tweaked the boy's ear
  2. Improve (a mechanism or system) by making fine adjustments to it
    • - engineers tweak the car's operating systems during the race
  1. A sharp twist or pull

  2. A fine adjustment to a mechanism or system

  1. pinch or squeeze sharply
  2. pinch: a squeeze with the fingers
  3. pluck: pull or pull out sharply; "pluck the flowers off the bush"
  4. fine-tune: adjust finely; "fine-tune the engine"
  5. Tweak was an Alternative rock band from South Africa. Members of the band formed Crashcarburn after members parted ways in 2006 to pursue personal projects.
  6. Tweak is a graphical user interface (GUI) layer to the Squeak development environment, which in turn is an integrated development environment based on the Smalltalk-80 computer programming language. Tweak is an alternative to an earlier graphic user interface layer called Morphic. ...
  7. (Tweaked (album)) Tweaked is the fifth studio album and first independently released collection of new material by American rock band Enuff Z'nuff.
  8. Tweaking refers to fine-tuning or adjusting a complex system, usually an electronic device. Tweaks are any small modifications intended to improve a system.
  9. (Tweaking (behaviour)) A stereotypy is a repetitive or ritualistic movement, posture, or utterance, found in patients with mental retardation, autism spectrum disorders, tardive dyskinesia, frontotemporal dementia and stereotypic movement disorder. ...
  10. A sharp pinch or jerk; a twist or twitch; Trouble; distress; tweag; A slight adjustment or modification; A prostitute; To pinch and pull with a sudden jerk and twist; to twitch; To adjust slightly; to fine-tune; To twit or tease; To abuse methamphetamines, especially crystal meth
  11. (Tweaked) (adj) – [twikd] – perfect, to the fullest extent. “His can-cans are tweaked.”
  12. (Tweaked) 1. A term used to explain the emphasis of style in a trick. In other words, if someone “tweaked out a method” they would grab hard and create an emphasis of the maneuver such that their ankles or other joints may appear bent or twisted to a maximum degree. 2. ...
  13. (Tweaked) Term used to describe being high on speed... also spun, clucked, sketched, gacked, etc.
  14. (Tweaking (v)) Erratic and compulsive behaviour occurring after drug use.
  15. (Tweaking) A level of speed intoxication reached after one or two days of constant use, characterized by obsessive behaviour.
  16. (Tweaking) Changing registry values in windows from the defaults to optimize performance.
  17. (Tweaking) High on amphetamines
  18. (Tweaking) Moving around a loadline in such a manner that it causes the game to load areas differently, allowing you to access areas that were previously inaccessible, and sometimes even bypass certain parts of the game; this is how you can get Darkrai and Shaymin without their required event ...
  19. (Tweaking) Now compare your original idea with the lists of reader benefits. Does your idea need tweaking in order to provide the reader with sufficient meaning and take away? Be Honest. ...
  20. (Tweaking) This is a term used to describe changing settings, adding programs, etc. in order to make your computer run faster or more efficiently.  Visit my Tweaking Tips.
  21. (Tweaking) What an engineer does on a redesign to improve performance. Note the difference between "tweaking" and "tuning" or you will forever be a lightweight.
  22. (tweaking) the process of moving individual vertices of 3D geometric object, such as a mesh or a TIN
  23. (Tweaks) The human form after drinking 3 cups of coffee before your weekly staff meeting. Often confused with Tenderloin inhabitants.
  24. n. a jump during which the rider twists the handlebars back and forth in mid-air, the more times the better. v. 1) to slightly injure a part of the body or the bike in a crash. "I tweaked my wrist when I fell." 2) to make a minor adjustment. ...