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trustee 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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trustees, plural;
  1. An individual person or member of a board given control or powers of administration of property in trust with a legal obligation to administer it solely for the purposes specified

  2. A state made responsible for the government of a trust territory by the United Nations

  1. a person (or institution) to whom legal title to property is entrusted to use for another's benefit
  2. regent: members of a governing board
  3. Trustee is a legal term for a holder of property on behalf of a beneficiary. A trust can be set up either to benefit particular persons, or for any charitable purposes (but not generally for non-charitable purposes): typical examples are a will trust for the testator's children and family, a ...
  4. A person to whom property is legally committed in trust, to be applied either for the benefit of specified individuals, or for public uses; one who is intrusted with property for the benefit of another; also, a person in whose hands the effects of another are attached in a trustee process; To ...
  5. (Trustees) A bank, trust company, or a group of individuals who hold timeshare accommodation (and sometimes leisure facilities) in trust on behalf of the owners and grant owners a right to-use through a license (Ownership Certificate). ...
  6. (Trustees) Also known as Sabbaticals. Full-time employed, elected student representatives who form the central government of the Students’ Union.
  7. (Trustees) Individuals or entities appointed by a Governing Instrument to manage and invest the trust assets.
  8. (Trustees) Many pension funds are managed on a day-to-day basis by trustees. The concept of trust is one found in common law jurisdictions whereby a group acts on behalf of all other (in a pension fund's case) contributors and, in a defined benefit pension, pensioners. ...
  9. (Trustees) Persons appointed in the Will or by Deed to look after property or money which cannot pass under the Will straight away.
  10. (Trustees) The board of four government officials and two citizen representatives that manages the Social Security Trust Funds.
  11. (Trustees) who may be paid professionals or companies or unpaid persons, hold the assets in a trust fund separate from their own assets. They invest and dispose of them in accordance with the settlor‘s trust deed, taking account of any letter of wishes. ...
  12. (trustees (of a mutual fund)) sebi requires all mutual funds to appoint a board of trustees. they appoint and oversee the operations of the asset management companies to ensure that the interest of investors is always safeguarded.
  13. (trustees) A common term for escrow agents.
  14. Charity trustees are the (unpaid) group of people responsible for the running of a charity. They may be called a Management Committee or Board of Directors or something else. The charity may be an incorporated body or an unincorporated one.
  15. School trustees are elected to serve on district school boards and most school authority boards. They are elected by citizens during the municipal election process. ...
  16. Trustees of a resort property exist primarily as a kind of insurance policy, in order to provide a secure backing in case a resort developer does not succeed financially.-Return to top
  17. One who as agent for others handles money or holds title to their land.
  18. The representative of the bankruptcy estate who exercises statutory powers, principally for the benefit of the unsecured creditors, under the general supervision of the court and the direct supervision of the U.S. trustee or bankruptcy administrator. ...
  19. A neutral party who advertises the foreclosure property for sale and conducts the auction to sell said property to the highest bidder.
  20. A party who is given legal responsibility to hold property in the best interest of or "for the benefit of" another. The trustee is one placed in a position of responsibility for another, a responsibility enforceable in a court of law.
  21. A legally empowered person who holds or controls a piece of property for another person.
  22. One who holds property in trust for another to secure the performance of an obligation.
  23. The third party who holds the trust deed.
  24. A person holding legal title to assets, which he holds not for his own sole beneficial interest but for the interest of another or others. A trustee may be an individual or a body corporate. ...
  25. The entity to which property is conveyed in trust, not to be confused with the beneficiary.