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trivialize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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trivialised, past participle; trivialises, 3rd person singular present; trivialised, past tense; trivialized, past tense; trivializes, 3rd person singular present; trivialized, past participle; trivialising, present participle; trivializing, present participle;
  1. Make (something) seem less important, significant, or complex than it really is
    • - the problem was either trivialized or ignored by teachers

  1. make trivial or insignificant; "Don't trivialize the seriousness of the issue!"
  2. (Trivialization) In mathematics, and particularly topology, a fiber bundle (or, in BrE, fibre bundle) is intuitively a space E which locally "looks" like a product space B × F, but globally may have a different topological structure. ...
  3. (Trivializing) Minimisation is a type of deceptionGuerrero, L., Anderson, P., Afifi, W. (2007). Close Encounters: Communication in Relationships (2nd ed.). Los Angeles: Sage Publications. involving denial coupled with rationalisation in situations where complete denial is implausible. ...
  4. To make something appear trivial