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trig 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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  1. Neat and smart in appearance
    • - two trig little boys, each in a gray flannel suit
  1. Make neat and smart in appearance
    • - he has rigged her and trigged her with paint and spar
  1. Trigonometry

  1. trigonometry: the mathematics of triangles and trigonometric functions
  2. clean-cut: neat and smart in appearance; "a clean-cut and well-bred young man"; "the trig corporal in his jaunty cap"; "a trim beard"
  3. Trigonometry (from Greek ' "triangle" + ' "measure") is a branch of mathematics that studies triangles. ...
  4. TriG is a serialization format for RDF (Resource Description Framework) graphs. It is a plain text format for serializing Named Graphs and RDF Datasets which offers a compact and readable alternative to the XML-based TriX syntax.
  5. (Trigness) beauty unadorned, belle tournure, bloom, brilliancy, comeliness, fairness, form elegance, gloss, good effect, good looks, gorgeousness, grace, magnificence, natural beauty, polish, pulchritude, radiance, splendor, sublimification, sublimity, symmetry.
  6. (Trigs (Triglycerides)) Trigs are a type of fat found in the blood. They are a measure of the health of your heart. Like cholesterol, they circulate in your blood but are stored in body fat.  When you eat a meal, your triglyceride (and glucose) levels increase significantly. ...
  7. (adj.) smart, quick, clever, active, nimble, brisk, alert, tidy, trim, neat
  8. (1) Bricks laid in the centre of a wall to prevent sagging and keep it plumb. (2) Metal clip used to hold a mason's line.
  9. (n.) A person, most oftentimes a girl, that does things to people that she knows damn well will bother, annoy or just piss them off. EX. ...