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triangulation 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(in surveying) The tracing and measurement of a series or network of triangles in order to determine the distances and relative positions of points spread over a territory or region, esp. by measuring the length of one side of each triangle and deducing its angles and the length of the other two sides by observation from this baseline,
  1. (in surveying) The tracing and measurement of a series or network of triangles in order to determine the distances and relative positions of points spread over a territory or region, esp. by measuring the length of one side of each triangle and deducing its angles and the length of the other two sides by observation from this baseline

  2. Formation of or division into triangles

  1. a trigonometric method of determining the position of a fixed point from the angles to it from two fixed points a known distance apart; useful in navigation
  2. a method of surveying; the area is divided into triangles and the length of one side and its angles with the other two are measured, then the lengths of the other sides can be calculated
  3. (triangulate) divide into triangles or give a triangular form to; "triangulate the piece of cardboard"
  4. In advanced geometry, in the most general meaning, triangulation is a subdivision of a geometric object into simplices. In particular, in the plane it is a subdivision into triangles, hence the name.
  5. Triangulation is a tactic used in chess to put one's opponent in zugzwang. That is, it gets to the same position with the other player to move, when it is a disadvantage for that player to move, e.g. he has to give up a blockade and let the other player penetrate his position. ...
  6. In computer vision triangulation refers to the process of determining a point in 3D space given its projections onto two, or more, images. ...
  7. Triangulation is a strategy whereby a trader exploits the relationship between 3 currencies, as 3 pairs. For example, EUR/CHF EUR/USD and USD/CHF. EUR/USD and USD/CHF are USD opposites (except for pip value), so if USD is moving, EUR/USD and USD/CHF should move opposite, but they do not. ...
  8. Triangulation is the name given to the act of a political candidate presenting his or her ideology as being "above" and "between" the "left" and "right" sides (or "wings") of a traditional (e.g. UK or US) democratic "political spectrum". ...
  9. Triangulation is most commonly used to express a situation in which one family member will not communicate directly with another family member, but will communicate with a third family member, forcing the third family member to then be part of the triangle. ...
  10. A technique in surveying in which distances and directions are estimated from an accurately measured baseline and the principles of trigonometry; The network of triangles, so obtained, that are the basis of a map or chart; In navigation or seismology, a process by which an unknown location is ...
  11. (triangulate) to locate by means of triangulation; to pit two others against each other in order to achieve a desired outcome or to gain an advantage; to "play both ends against the middle"
  12. (Triangulate (triangulation)) the use of a combination of assessment methods in a study. An example of triangulation would be an assessment that incorporated surveys, interviews, and observations.
  13. (Triangulate) To connect a series of vertices to make a surface defined by a triangulated irregular network (TIN). That is, to create the necessary triangle primitives and their relationships in such a way as to define a surface. See also Linearize and Connect. ...
  14. the process of decomposing high-order axial polygons in a crease pattern into smaller polygons that are all order-3, i.e., triangles.
  15. The combination of methodologies in the study of the same phenomenon or construct; a method of establishing the accuracy of information by comparing three or more types of independent points of view on data sources (for example, interviews, observation, and documentation; different times) ...
  16. For a finite set of points in the plane, a triangulation of these points is any partition of the points into a set of non-overlapping triangles.
  17. The process of splitting up geometric faces into triangles for greater flexibility.
  18. by using the different times measurement of different satellites observing the same event (such as a gamma burst), as well as the position of these satellites around the Earth at the moment of the measurement, the direction of the emitting source can be determined. ...
  19. Using multiple methods and/or data sources to study the same phenomenon; qualitative researchers frequently use triangulation to verify their data.^4
  20. Using more than one method to find meaning in a problem. i.e. If you want to interpret the President's Approval Rating, you could look at poll results, results of focus groups, and news stories of current events.
  21. in geological or physical science surveying, a technique of determining the location of an object by reference to three known locations; in cultural learning, triangulation refers to using a variety of media (people, print, literature, television) and several different sources of each before ...
  22. Method of determining distance based on the principles of geometry. A distant object is sighted from two well- separated locations. ...
  23. Using more than one method to study the same thing. For example, if you were interested in people's attitudes toward environmental issues, you could look at patterns of voting behaviors for environmental candidates and issues; or you could interview leaders of the Sierra Club, the Nature ...
  24. Using of a variety of research methods to gain a diverse source of data pertaining to a specific research problem or question. This process helps to enhance the validity of data since it does not overly rely on any particular method.
  25. using multiple research methods to gather information or multiple sources of information on one topic or research question usually with the intent of improving reliability and/or validity . Sometimes referred to as using "multiple measures."