- soprano: having or denoting a high range; "soprano voice"; "soprano sax"; "the boy still had a fine treble voice"; "the treble clef"
- sing treble
- soprano: the pitch range of the highest female voice
- three times as great or many; "a claim for treble (or triple) damages"; "a threefold increase"
- triple: increase threefold; "Triple your income!"
- ternary: having three units or components or elements; "a ternary operation"; "a treble row of red beads"; "overcrowding made triple sessions necessary"; "triple time has three beats per measure"; "triplex windows"
- The term treble or Treble is used in association football to refer to a team winning three trophies in a single season. Honours usually considered to constitute a treble are the top-tier domestic league competition, domestic cup competitions, and continental tournaments. ...
- This glossary of bets offered by UK bookmakers is a non-exhaustive list of traditional and popular bets offered by bookmakers in the United Kingdom. ...
- Treble is a girl group from the Netherlands.
- This is a list of characters from the Mega Man series. In Japan, the Mega Man series is known as Rockman.
- The highest singing voice (especially as for a boy) or part in musical composition; A person or instrument having a treble voice or pitch; a boy soprano; Any high-pitched or shrill voice or sound; A threefold quantity or number; something having three parts or having been tripled; Any of the ...
- (trebly) Having treble, or high-pitched, qualities; Three times, thrice (archaic); To three times the extent or degree; triply
- (Trebles) A triple bet on three events. A form of parlay or accumulator.
- (Trebles) (or tribbles) - racks of drying ropes often covered with horse or cow hair, used to dry paper in the drying loft. May also be hessian screens used to dry paper flat.
- (trebly) 1a. having three parts or uses: threefold. 1b. triple in number or amount.
- one bet involving three selections in different events. Returns from a successful first selection are reinvested into the second, ditto the third. All three must succeed for a win. Also called: three play parlay.Similar principles apply to four-fold, five-fold, etc up to and including fourteen-fold.
- A bet consisting of 3 selections, all of which must win for the wager to be successful.
- The higher frequencies of the audible spectrum.
- Select the teams or players you believe will win three separate specified events, eg. winners of three games of rugby union. All bets are placed prior to the first event.
- The high voice of a young boy whose voice has not yet broken. See also 'Clef'
- The highest-pitched bell in a tower; this is usually, but not necessarily, the lightest.
- The upper range of the musical scale (as opposed to bass). * German: diskant.
- The highest voice part in harmonic music. In upper half of the whole vocal or tonal range.
- also called the "G" clef, which specifies that the second line from the bottom of the staff is designated as "G".
- a bet on the winners of three nominated races at the same track.