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transpire 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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transpired, past tense; transpired, past participle; transpiring, present participle; transpires, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Occur; happen
    • - I'm going to find out exactly what transpired
  2. Prove to be the case
    • - as it transpired, he was right
  3. (of a secret or something unknown) Come to be known; be revealed
    • - Yaddo, it transpired, had been under FBI surveillance for some time
  4. (of a plant or leaf) Give off water vapor through the stomata

  1. pass through the tissue or substance or its pores or interstices, as of gas
  2. exude water vapor; "plants transpire"
  3. come to light; become known; "It transpired that she had worked as spy in East Germany"
  4. come about, happen, or occur; "Several important events transpired last week"
  5. give off (water) through the skin
  6. (transpiration) the passage of gases through fine tubes because of differences in pressure or temperature
  7. (transpiration) the process of giving off or exhaling water vapor through the skin or mucous membranes
  8. (transpiration) the emission of water vapor from the leaves of plants
  9. (transpiring) that is passing through; "transpiring gas"
  10. To give off (vapour, waste matter etc.); to exhale (an odour etc.). [from 16th c.]; To perspire. [17th-19th c.]; Of plants, to give off water and waste products through the stomata. [from 17th c.]; To become known. [from 18th c.]; To happen, take place. [from 18th c.]
  11. (transpires) To emit or give off waste matter.
  12. (transpiration) The loss of water molecules from the leaves of a plant; creates an osmotic gradient; producing tension that pulls water upward from the roots. PICTURE 1 | PICTURE 2 | PICTURE 3
  13. (Transpiration) The process by which plants give off water vapor into the atmosphere.
  14. (Transpiration) the process by which liquid water is transformed into water vapour within and on plant tissues which is physiologically controlled. See also evaporation.
  15. (Transpiration) The circulatory system in plants whereby water is taken up from the soil and lost via the canopy through the stomata of the leaves creating a force for translocation of components throughout the vine.
  16. (Transpiration) Water loss that occurs through the open plant stomata (tiny pores primarily on the underside of the leaf). Rate of loss is determined by wind and atmospheric humidity conditions.
  17. (transpiration) LEAF + DH is left in place and NDH [5] is held over DH and wiggles while rising to show evaporation.
  18. (transpiration) Loss of water vapour mainly from leaf cells through pores but also from the leaf cuticle and through lenticels of the stem (Goudie et al. 1985).
  19. What happens at a meeting, as in Mary took notes of what transpired at today's meeting.
  20. give off water vapor and by products via stomata and carbon dioxide intake at the leaves.