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transact 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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transacted, past participle; transacting, present participle; transacted, past tense; transacts, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Conduct or carry out (business)

  1. conduct business; "transact with foreign governments"
  2. TransACT Capital Communications is an Australian telecommunications company based in Canberra which provides broadband internet access, fixed telephony, cable television services, and mobile phone services in Canberra and a subset of these services in Queanbeyan, throughout South-east New South ...
  3. To do, carry through, conduct or perform some action; To carry over, hand over or transfer something; To conduct business; To exchange or trade, as of ideas, money, goods, etc
  4. (trans-acting) A term describing substances that are diffusable and that can affect spatially separated entities within cells.
  5. Transact as applied to insurance includes any of the following:
  6. To pay off the balance in full each month. People who transact only generate interchange income for the lender.
  7. means to place any reliance for any purpose on the Website, whether to undertake, invite or offer any form of transaction (including any booking) or otherwise, and Transaction has a corresponding meaning.