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traipse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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traipses, 3rd person singular present; traipsed, past tense; traipsed, past participle; traipsing, present participle;
  1. Walk or move wearily or reluctantly
    • - students had to traipse all over Washington to attend lectures
  2. Walk about casually or needlessly
    • - there's people traipsing in and out all the time
  1. A tedious or tiring journey on foot

  2. A slovenly woman

  1. walk or tramp about
  2. A long or tiring walk; To walk in a messy or unattractively casual way; to trail through dirt; To walk about, especially when expending much effort, or unnecessary effort; To walk (a distance or journey) wearily or with effort; to walk about or over (a place)
  3. to saunter; to walk about aimlessly.  Used in the movie "Die Hard 2" in case you ever wanted to know.
  4. to walk without apparent reason