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tootle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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tootled, past tense; tootled, past participle; tootling, present participle; tootles, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Casually make a series of sounds on a horn, trumpet, or similar instrument
    • - he tootled on the horn
  2. Play (an instrument) or make (a sound or tune) in such a way
    • - the video games tootled their tunes
  3. Go or travel in a leisurely way
    • - they were tootling along the coast
  1. An act or sound of casual playing on an instrument such as a horn or trumpet

  2. A leisurely journey

  1. play (a musical instrument) casually; "the saxophone player was tootling a sad melody"
  2. the sound of casual playing on a musical instrument; "he enjoyed hearing the tootles of their horns as the musicians warmed up"
  3. Tootle (ISBN 0307020975) is a children's book written by Gertrude Crampton and illustrated by Tibor Gergely in 1945. It is part of Simon and Schuster's Little Golden Books series. As of 2001, it was the all-time third best-selling hardcover children's book in English .
  4. (Tootles) Peter Pan's Lost Boys are characters in J. M. Barrie's play Peter Pan, or The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up and subsequent adaptations and extensions to the story. ...
  5. To make a soft, toot sound; To amble aimlessly