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toggle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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toggles, plural;
  1. Switch from one effect, feature, or state to another by using a toggle

  2. Provide or fasten with a toggle or toggles

  1. A short rod of wood or plastic sewn to one side of a coat or other garment, pushed through a hole or loop on the other side and twisted so as to act as a fastener

  2. A pin or other crosspiece put through the eye of a rope or a link of a chain to keep it in place

  3. A kind of wall fastener for use on hollow walls, having a part that springs open or turns through 90° after it is inserted so as to prevent withdrawal

  4. A movable pivoted crosspiece acting as a barb on a harpoon

  5. A key or command that is operated the same way but with opposite effect on successive occasions

  1. provide with a toggle or toggles
  2. any instruction that works first one way and then the other; it turns something on the first time it is used and then turns it off the next time
  3. toggle switch: a hinged switch that can assume either of two positions
  4. a fastener consisting of a peg or pin or crosspiece that is inserted into an eye at the end of a rope or a chain or a cable in order to fasten it to something (as another rope or chain or cable)
  5. release by a toggle switch; "toggle a bomb from an airplane"
  6. This is a list of characters in the comic strip Doonesbury, by Garry Trudeau. Trudeau has featured many recurring characters since the comic strip began in syndication in 1970. ...
  7. a switch that can assume either of two positions; an on/off switch; A wooden or metal pin, short rod, crosspiece or similar used for securing a loop in a rope or chain, etc. (often temporarily) to another, e.g. a sea painter to a lifeboat. ...
  8. (Toggles) Handles on the steering lines.
  9. (TOGGLES) run/stop: starts and stops the animation; key equivalent is the spacebar.
  10. (Toggles) Small pieces of ivory or wood used by Eskimos to fasten tug lines to harnesses
  11. (Toggles) better quality lifejackets have toggles for attaching the lifejacket to a sailing coat, the loops are found on most sailing jackets on the chest and neck.
  12. (Toggling) A modernised method of tacking to dry leather, using toggles to hold the leather instead of nails. Originally the toggles were fixed into holes in a perforated metal plate which was put in an oven. More modern machines find and clip the leather mechanically.
  13. (Toggling) Pressing a pushbutton repeatedly to advance through a menu of modes, in order to choose and set one.
  14. (Toggling) hides are anchored and stretched during drying in order to maintain their shape and size.
  15. An oval-shaped wood or plastic cross-piece attached to a hoist-line sewn into the heading of a flag, that fastens to a becket or eyesplice at the upper end of the halyard for hoisting the flag on a mast or pole (see also ‘becket’, ‘halyard’, ‘heading’, ‘hoistline’ plus ‘running eye and toggle’).
  16. A switch with a lever-type actuator that makes or breaks switch contact as its position is changed.
  17. A means of changing the state of a checkmark option. Clicking on the option toggles between the two states of the option and turns the checkmark on and off appropriately.
  18. a device consisting of a rod or peg, pointed at one or both ends with a line attached near its centre. The toggling principle may be applied to buttons, or more familiar to archaeologists, the harpoon. ...
  19. A user interface element used to toggle two different widget states. In the context of these requirements, the toggle refers to the plus/minus icon next to expandable/collapsible section navigation menu items.
  20. a switch control, a control with two modes only mainly used to turn a feature on and off.
  21. Anything that has two or more states and can be switched from one to the other. For example, you can toggle the CapsLock key. You press it once, it's on. You press it again, it's off. Your desk lamp's light switch is a toggle.
  22. To alternate between two states, such as operating a light switch.   On our conference bridges, touch-tone “*6” on the telephone keypad functions as a toggle because if it is pressed repeatedly it alternates the caller's muting between the muted and un-muted state. Back|Top
  23. as  a noun, a device with two states or a program option that can be turned on or off using the same action (like a mouse click); as a verb, to toggle is to switch back and forth between two states.
  24. A type of clamping mechanism that exerts pressure by applying force on a knee joint. A toggle is used to close and exert pressure on a mold in a press.
  25. Toggling options within the ePortfolio means to turn options on or off e.g. you can toggle the screen reader avatar on or off.